Friday, December 27, 2013

Bagpipes and Biscuits

Edinburgh, Scotland. 

At long last I am getting around to posting what should have been posted over two months ago. The trip to Scotland took place shortly after my accident so I was quite fortunate to be able to tag along (or limp along) at all. Edinburgh was our first venture outside of England and it was quite a memorable trip. We took a night bus (equipped with bunks and all) and arrived in cloudy Scotland early the next morning. Edinburgh is a beautiful city. The people, too, we found to be very kind and their accents endlessly amusing.

Our activities in the city included a visit to the Edinburgh Museum, lunch at the pub named after the author of Jekal and Hyde, visiting the Edinburgh Cathedral and playing the European 'Ticket to Ride' in a Game-board Cafe. A friend from Eastern, Janine, (she was studying abroad in Europe for the term also) was able to grace us with her presence also. It was such a treat to have her tag along.

I have no explanation for this photo. It just is what it is.

The Edinburgh Castle

Like the sign says: "The Birthplace of Harry Potter"

Stay tuned for the next installment: Paris, France. Cheers!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bikes, Birthdays and (really old) Bedrock

The streets of downtown Philly or downtown Denver are not as the streets are in Oxford. On the way to the Bodleian, I run into things like this: (It's the Mad Hatter!)

A highlight of my time here has been gathering each Sunday for "Family Dinner". The food is always scrumptious and the company is delightful. The pictures below are from several Sunday's ago. We feasted on lentil-sweet potato stew and Laura kindly supplied the cakes and clementines. 

I took this photo before bikes and I were on somewhat bad terms: 

Glouster Green square on a crisp Fall afternoon. 

Laura is a natural poser. 

Once upon a time, our dear friend Francis Anthony Chilbert III was the victim of thievery. His friends and family felt deeply for his loss and decided to do something about it. Happy Birthday, Frank!

Following the presentation of Frank's new toy, we went into a Board Game Cafe. 

Decisions, decisions. 

The following photos were taken in Bath. We had the privilege of touring the ancient Roman Baths while there. 

One lady's kind attempt to take a picture of our group on the iPhone:

Just in case you did not realize the consequence of slipping on the tiles:

"Oh! Who can ever be tired of Bath?"

"Fan flirtation":

More touring around the city:

The "Jane-ites":

One meets some interesting people in England. 

Can someone please tell me the meaning of Stonehenge? 

Those are some pretty strong rocks behind me.