Friday, December 27, 2013

Bagpipes and Biscuits

Edinburgh, Scotland. 

At long last I am getting around to posting what should have been posted over two months ago. The trip to Scotland took place shortly after my accident so I was quite fortunate to be able to tag along (or limp along) at all. Edinburgh was our first venture outside of England and it was quite a memorable trip. We took a night bus (equipped with bunks and all) and arrived in cloudy Scotland early the next morning. Edinburgh is a beautiful city. The people, too, we found to be very kind and their accents endlessly amusing.

Our activities in the city included a visit to the Edinburgh Museum, lunch at the pub named after the author of Jekal and Hyde, visiting the Edinburgh Cathedral and playing the European 'Ticket to Ride' in a Game-board Cafe. A friend from Eastern, Janine, (she was studying abroad in Europe for the term also) was able to grace us with her presence also. It was such a treat to have her tag along.

I have no explanation for this photo. It just is what it is.

The Edinburgh Castle

Like the sign says: "The Birthplace of Harry Potter"

Stay tuned for the next installment: Paris, France. Cheers!